Friday, July 26, 2013

Weigh In Friday, a Job, and My Wedding Dress!

Ok folks. First things first because I know y'all can't go on with your day till you know how much I weigh...eye roll :)

......................156.5! Whoop! 1.5 pounds down from last Friday!

Now that I am officially with in reach of my first weight loss goal (10 lbs thank you) I get to go get measured for my first reward! Every 10 lbs I get to buy myself something I've worked my rump off (literally) for!

The first 10 lb reward is going to get fitted for some really good running/walking shoes. I have the WORST shin splints, and I have read over and over (from all those awesome ladies on the side of my blog I love to read) that getting fitted for shoes that FIT your feet make all the difference in the world. So that's just what I'm gonna do! And in two and a half more lbs they're mine ALL mine! :)

Ain't that the truth!! God will put you where you belong every time. He truly knows whats best and I gotta say, he was right this time. These last two weeks have been oh so cray cray! Three job interviews, two job offers and one (upcoming) move later, I am so so so happy to be the newest third grade teacher at Smithville Elementary, Go Tigers! I signed my contract today and am feeling so incredibly happy after having a wonderful talk with the Superintendent and being told at least three times by the Assistant Superintendent how excited she was to have me joining the team! I truly felt so welcome! 

As hard as it will be to move away from my family, I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I know they are happy for me, and not so secretly sad that I'm moving away, but they are so supportive and that means the world to me. We'll just have to make lots of excuses for visits! I'll miss everyone so much, especially getting to watch my niecey-piecey growing up. 

And now I definitely have to give a shout out to my one and only! Trevor has been absolutely amazing through this whole process. He has been so incredibly supportive and I could not have done it without him. Not only is he supportive but he is constantly telling me how proud of me he is and that just makes me smile so big. Especially since I have been anything but pleasant lately, maybe I should make him a "Thank you for loving me when I'm a total nutcase and B word" cake. But even more, he is just so willing to jump up, up root his life and move for me AGAIN for the 2nd time in less than a year. That man is honestly my gift from God at least on the days where he's not acting like a butt. So here's hoping that these shops he's going to talk to tomorrow love him as much as I do just not in the same way, that would be totes AWKWARD!


My oh-so-gorgeous-doncha-wish-your-girlfriend-was-hot-like-me-check-out-my-little-waist-and-cute-butt wedding dress came in today!! Like TWO months early!!

To which I remembered, I'M NOT READY FOR IT YET!
When we ordered my Dress on May 5th, my chest measured a size 10, my waist a size 8 and my big ol white girl ghetto booty a size 12. So naturally we went with a size 10 and I was gonna work it off. Well...... we still workin. :)

Now I gotta get my shoes and all that jazz so we can go try it on and get those alterations done! Yay for wedding stuff!

Hope everyone has a FAB weekend! I'm gonna try to get Trev a job, found a house, steal my sister for some sissy time (you want in on that Momma?) and go get fitted for my new shoesies!!


  1. Always up for daughter time! Just tell me when and where :-)!

  2. AWESOME progress & cute blog! Love it :) I also started around the same weight as you!!!! Can't wait to see your success!

  3. Thank you! You've had such amazing results, hope I can get there too! I love you WODs! Thanks for stopping by!
