Friday, August 2, 2013

Weigh in Friday and Who Are You...Part 1

Well I weighed in this morning at 157. Which is half a pound up from last Friday. Which SUCKS because when I weighed on Wednesday I was 155.5! I knew I shouldn't have indulged in those skittles and that full size crunch bar on Thursday...dang it!

Kim over at That's The Thing About Destiny is doing a 6 part get to know you link up! Since I don't know who all reads this (if anyone...crickets?) I figured on the off chance someone is and they don't know me (or know me well), I'd chime in a sing all my praises ;)


List 20 random facts about yourself: In no particular order
1. I'm a recovering klutz.
2. I had to Google how to spell "klutz"....who knew it was a 'k' not a 'c'.
3. I absolutely hate anything cherry.
4. I hate Banana's even more because an old babysitter put me in time out because I said I finished and just the very end was left.
5. I can't take liquid meds, I throw them right back up.
6. I am super blunt and very strong willed.
7. I am getting married to my best friend in exactly 5 months from today!
8. After graduating from college almost 2 years ago, I will finally start my first real "big girl job" as a third grade teacher.
9. I can not stand it when people spell "b4" and "l8r" and all that crap!
10. I was a year round competitive swimmer for 15 years.
11. I got stuck underneath a treadmill when I was 8 (which resulted in 2nd and 3rd degree burns) and still am slightly scared to run on one.
12. My very favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. I used to watch it with my mom everyday when I was 3.
13. I slept in my parents bed until I was 14. I would go to bed with Mom then Dad would carry, then guide me, then just tell me to get up and go to my room when he came to bed.
14. I have both bad parts of my parents hands, my dad's sausage fingers, and my mom's paper thin finger nails. 
15. I'm so pale, I had to order my wedding dress in a darker ivory, because regular ivory still made me look like I was wearing a stark white dress.
16. I'm moving the farthest I've ever been from my family in exactly one week (2 hours away).
17. I can't stand parents who just let their kid scream it out in a restaurant or any public place. Take them outside till they're done, or just pack it up and go home.
18. I've never been out side of the US.
19. When I was 15 I flew from TX to Louisiana with a girlfriend of mine, her parents, her little sister and her 3 friends just for a fancy dinner and beignets, then flew back to TX. My mom asked how much gas money she should send.
20. I go back and re watch all of the Sons of Anarchy seasons before the newest season starts.

Three legitimate fears:
1. Being kidnapped
2. My parents dying
3. Trevor dying while racing his mustang

Describe your relationship with your spouse:
Engaged. He is truly the only man (besides my dad) that can knock me down a peg and "handle" me. I'm known to be ornery.  I am so so in love with him. He can always make me laugh, and we just have so much fun together.

10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could:
1. Make sure you're always where you tell your parents you'll be. You didn't know till college, but Dad would follow you.
2. Don't quit swimming to spend more time with your first boyfriend.
3. You're not fat, your skinny fat and just need to hit the weights!
4. Just because the cookies at school are 25 cents doesn't mean you need to buy 4 everyday plus a fudge bar.
5. Don't convince your dad to let you drive up to school to see your boyfriend after a football game, you end up running your car into a pole in the school parking lot and putting a $1300 hole in your radiator (you had to pay $1000) idiot...don't drive forward looking out the side window.
6. Don't go back to swim practice too soon after getting your tonsils removed. You choke on your uvula at practice.
7. Try to make more friends.
8. Quit flirting with all the waitstaff at the restaurant you hostess at. They're all WAY too old for you.
9. If you're uncomfortable, blame it on Mom and Dad and leave with them.
10. Don't make the banger kid you think you have a crush on a cheesecake then deliver it, you look desperate.

What are 5 things that make you most happy right now:
1. Trevor
2. My Family
3. Reading
4. My wedding dress!
5. Taking naps when it rains