Well here we are. Back at work again after a glorious 4 days off. I literally need toothpicks to hold my eye lids open right now :) Definitely doesn't help that the weather is crappy which means I wanna snuggle down with my man, watch movies and nap all day!
Anyone else get super off track with their healthy habits this weekend?.........NO?...........just me??........You know you all sucked it up as bad as I did you just don't want to admit it good for y'all, what an accomplishment!
How was everyone's 4th? Ours was fabulous. We relaxed, watched 3 movies, got chili's take out, then crawled up on the roof to watch fireworks. Trev had to work Friday, which means I did nothing all day except lay in my PJ's and watched tv till I went to have lunch with him.
We had an awesome date night Friday though. Casa Ole' for dinner judge me all you want, it was freakin de-lish, then we went bowling! That was actually the first time we'd ever gone bowling together and I am happy to announce we both suck haha. The only game we are super competitive about is air hockey. I did kick his butt our second game of bowling though with my THREE strikes! He wanted to find an air hockey table to settle the score he took it pretty well! I guess you can't REALLY say I kicked butt and took names, my total score from both games was only 160 HA!
Saturday we went to the Splash Pad with my niece, sister and bro-in-law. My niece was the only one who could successfully get Trevor in the water. "Nah nah nah...splash splash" This was her pointing at him saying "nah nah nah" (that's how she gets your attention) then pats the water beside her (she is fabulous at guiding people where she wants them to be). It was definitely adorable!
How precious is that face?! Mine of course, not the baby's :)
We went to our first cake tasting, and DANG every time we go do wedding stuff it feels more and more real I felt like a total grown up.
Either the cake I want was super easy or this chick totes got what I was going for because she drew it up no problem and it was PERFECT! And I seriously cannot wait to see Trevor's grooms cake! It's gonna be waaaaaay awesome! We couldn't do the 3D cake cause that crap cost more than my 4 tiered wedding cake was just a little out of our budget, but we did come up with an alternative that is going to be dope.....bet! (Trevor you better get that reference ;) )
Sunday was lazy, but I did come up with a great new workout plan. Yes I know I change ideas as often as my underwear...whatevs.
Jamie Eason is an AMAZING trainer and has a bod to die for! Basically the program is 100% written out for you. No trying to figure out what to do on your own! Now I know I'll get better results if I follow her nutrition plan as well, but I HATE eggs, egg whites and all egg family stuff. So I'm really going to focus on just smaller portion sizes and trying to eat clean at least 60% of the time.
I start week 1 today and I'm pretty pumped for it. Trevor is also gonna do it with me! Which I'm stoked about since I threatened to freeze his gym membership if he didn't start going he wants to get back in the gym too!
In other news, I heard on the radio today that crop tops are back in style....Um no. The 90's are gone people, let it go. The only people I want to see in a crop top are people like Jamie Eason, and even then I'd be too jealous over her tight abs, it's just not nice to flaunt what others don't have :)
(Unless I've got it, then honey I'm flauntin' it!)